Online Software for profit enhancement, cash management, business valuation, exit plan solutions

Need More Cash?

The worst time to ask for cash is when you absolutely need it!

The TASCON® Business Analyst easily creates profit and cash flow plans to anticipate annual and monthly cash needs, and systematizes the methods to keep profit and cash plans on track.

  • Profit and cash plans

    • Create a profit plan that meets profit goals and cash needs using proven business strategies
    • Project cash flow needs based upon the annual profit and cash plan
    • Compare the actual monthly profit and cash flow performance to the monthly budget to keep the annual plan on track
    • Create complete, automated financial ratios and reports ready to deliver to all stakeholders
  • The TASCON® Business Analyst “performance to plan” analysis automatically tells when the profit goal is off track, which means the cash flow projection is also at risk.

  • See demo video NOW…

Your Track to Profit™