What Makes The TASCON® Business Analyst Perfect For You?
Create more effective bidding and pricing strategies
The TASCON® Business Analyst is uniquely designed financial management software for small to mid-sized businesses that need to be laser sharp with pricing to avoid profit fade and losing business unnecessarily. Knowing with more certainty how much profit you can be achieved from each project or job, or for that matter, when to “walk away”, can increase the bottom line substantially. The TASCON® Business Analyst is a powerful tool that provides a breakeven analysis and automatically calculate what markups should be to achieve profit goals.
You don’t have to be a spreadsheet wizard or computer expert
The TASCON® Business Analyst financial software uses no spreadsheets for the solutions it delivers. Plus, no software needs to be installed on your computer. All you do is input the financial information into pre-made templates and the software does the rest. The software is all web based – there is no maintenance and no work involved with backing up your files. Pricing, budgeting and cash flow management solutions can be completed in minutes rather than hours, once your information is in the system.
You will always know if profits are on track
Each month, with the Cash Flow Analyst™ you will know exactly where the business forecast is relative to the annual plan. There should be no more surprises during the year with the profit picture or with the cash flow position. All you have to do is input each month’s income statement information and the software does the rest. The Profit Analyst™ even tells you when pricing strategy adjustments are needed to stay on track, and how much those adjustments should be -- all automatically.
Leverage credit lines to maximize profits
The TASCON® Business Analyst will tell you how much your credit line should be to maximize profitability. It will also tell you how to leverage the credit line throughout the year. And, yes, it does this with very little input required from you, other than adding certain non-operating cash flow line items to the system.
Help develop Exit Strategies and/or Succession Plans
Using the Optimization Method of business valuation contained within the software, determine the value of your company and then using the powerful Profit Forecaster™ which is uniquely "linked" to the powerful Value Forecaster™ contained within The TASCON® Business Analyst, determine the value goal consistent with your exit time-line; or determine the time-line needed to achieve your exit value goal.